A place where Quality Products you can get!
We are a trading services company that provides a wide range of quality products that have been recognized by the world, in the livestock industry, personal protection equipment and supporting products in the fields of health and beauty.
In the field of the livestock industry, we are the authorized sole distributor of Gallagher animal management system products and authorized distributor of ZeeTags. In the field of self-protection tools, we’re distributor NOVAX® insulating gloves and dielectrical boots, and we are also authorized distributors of Pupuk Kujang Cikampek.
The Principals

Words From Our Customers
The electric fence is great, no more cattle destroying the crops. This technology is highly suitable in araes where cattle free range
Dari sisi technical nya spesifikasi material, petunjuk instalasi dan dokumen pendukung testing sangat lengkap. Dan dari sisi delivery time sesuai schedule yang di tawarkan. Dan dari sisi safety dan lingkungan sudah memenuhi keselamatan dan ramah lingkungan
Untuk alat dibandingkan dengan yg lama hasil out putnya lebih besar di kisaran 9kV-10kV. Ada garansi dan jaminan safety nya pelayanan ok dan Sangat recomendasi.
Produknya modern mulai dari spesifikasi dan bahan materialnya sehingga produk yang ditawarkan ke kami untuk kandang gajah berjalan efektif dan efisien sesuai dengan keinginan kami, harapannya PT. PAN (Gallagher) dapat mengembangkan produknya di masa datang.
Perusahaan yang mengerti keinginan customer
We use Gallagher electric fencing products from PT PAN to control cattle grazing in oil palm plantations. Controlling cattle on oil palm plantations becomes easier and more effective without having to involve a lot of manpower. For almost 4 years we have used the products, the quality is good and after-sales service (services and spare parts) from PT PAN is quite easy and it is not difficult to maintenance.
Video from customers
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